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ťahák na konverzácie (tahak1.doc)
Could you please send us...
Please would you send us...
We would appreciate your sending us...information about....
We would be grateful if you could send us...
We would be grateful to you for sending us...
Intrducing oneself This is (name)
(name) speaking.
Asking for someone Can/Could I speak to...?
Can you put me through to ...?
I’d like to speak to ....
Offering help Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
Explaining why you I’m calling about (the presentation)
are calling I’m calling to (let you know that...)
Asking the caller to Could/Will you hold on?
Wait Please hold the line.
Leaving a message Could you tell him that/to...
Could I leave a message (for...)?
Taking a message Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
Appologising Sorry to keep you waiting/that you must wait.
Sorry but there’s no reply/no one is answering/the
line is busy/engaged
Promising action I’ll give him your message.
I’ll tell him to call you back.
Asking the caller Sorry, I didn’t catch (your name)
to repeat Could you speak up?
Closing Thank you for calling.
Thanks for your help.
I look forward to hearing from you again.