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READING (Blight) - Why are there more girls than boys at the Comenius University Teaching faculty? (reading-woman-mother-teacher.doc)

A woman – a mother – a teacher?


Why are there more girls than boys at the Comenius University Teaching faculty? Is it the woman’s designation      to work with children? Maybe. People and especially children are genetically predetermined to trust a woman more than a man. Besides a teacher should have the ability to sense the light nuances in the behaviour of the students, identify them and work with them sensible. A woman is more emphatic, she can better sense when others are happy or sad or if they lie. She can deal with the problems that may occur in the class not only in the teaching process but for example in the relationships in the class, too. On the other side a man is more direct; he analyzes   a problem and gives a solution. He deals with crisis straightforward. Men are not so capricious and my experience is that they can better express what they expect. But what I think is the main reason for the lack of men on schools is the stereotype. Teaching is stereotypically a woman work. A man has to teach just a male subject just like gymnastics or mechanics. Everything else is too feminine and because that it’s not something for a boy. The society still applies the “boys don’t cry” policy so a job that is maybe more emotionally oriented is nothing for a “real man”. Therefore is teaching, mainly on the lower school grades where there are the young children, more acceptable for a woman. There is still the stereotypically apportionment of the man role and the woman role.      The boys play with cars and play football and the girls play “moms” with their dolls. Therefore as a boy on the Teaching faculty you maybe have to deal with some prejudice from your vicinity. But maybe there are a few good reasons, too for a boy to study this. One friend of mine – he studies on another Faculty of Education – says: “For a boy this is the best school ever. I mean, where else can you find such a big concentration of girls on one quadratic meter then on this faculty? “So, everything is relative.