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SYNTAX - prednáška 4.hod. (Lojová) (syntax_prednaska4.doc)
ide o gramatickú zhodu v osobe, čísle, čase
- when grammatical forms say which form is to use (she goes)
- if a subject is in Singular, then the verb is in Singular, too
- when the subject is expressed by a clause, the verb is in Singular
what you said is …
clause verb
- when the subject is expressed by a prepositional phrase, the verb is in Singular
in the morning is when the sun rises
PP verb
- when the subject is expressed as an adverb, usually the finite verb takes Singular
yesterday is what we are talking about
adverb verb
- when the Subject is a noun that takes irregular Singular forms, the verb is in Singular
news is …… the sheep is …
Sg. Sg. Pl. Pl.
- not about the grammatical meaning, but about the meaning, the semantics
- sometimes the form of the verb depends on the meaning
Government is doing … = grammatical
Government are doing…= notional
NOUN - has a Singular form, but the meaning is Plural
- it is not about the grammatical form, but the idea is important here
- usually most collective nouns are used in Singular, about 10% are in Plural
Police is powerful = institution
My family are crazy = members
- but this is not necessarily - e.g. names in Singular
Great Expectation is a great book.
The Bahamas is a beautiful country.
- the form of a verb phrase depends on the word, usually a noun, that is closer
- usually in a longer sentences or noun phrases, it is much more natural - too far
one in 10 students are… = according to proximity
one in 10 students are… = according to notional concord
one in 10 students is ….. = according to grammatical concord
a) coordinate Subject (viacnásobný podmet) - usually takes a Plural form (you and I)
- apart from this is when the Subject is notionally Singular, but grammatically Plural
- used often in legal language
The student sitting here and the best student in this classroom is 25 - 1 person presented in 2 ways
My brother and the Slovak champion is supposed given a million crowns - 1 person becomes 1 million
My brother and the Slovak champion are supposed give a million crowns - 2 persons become 500 000
b) either-or / neither-nor
- either-or = is - when talking about 1 person (either Peter or John)
- neither-nor = are - when talking about 2 persons (neither Peter nor John)
- if there is Singural + Plural - the form depends on the second one
c) indefinite expression (somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody)
- indefinite pronouns usually takes Singular form
d) concord between Subject and Subject complement
Clever students in my classroom is my dream - combination of Singular and Plural
e) concord between Object and Object complement
I find my students are clever
A number of students are sitting here. A number of students is increasing.
quantifier Subject or a head of a NP
Two slices of bread are for you. Two slices of bread were too thin.
quantifier Subject or a head of a NP
- gender free language
- we use Plural forms instead of his or hers
It is the end of the lesson and anybody should take their things away.