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SYNTAX - prednáška 7.hod. (Lojová) (7)_syntax_8.4.2008.doc)
(podraďovacie súvetie)
- the sentence, that consists of 2 or more clauses that are in a relationship
of subordination and superordination
- on main clause = independent clause
- hierarchy of clauses plays here an important role
INDEPENDENT CLAUSE (main, matrix, superordined clause)
- hlavná veta
- the main feature is that if may stand on its own
- as soon as we have an embedded clause = matrix clause
- as soon as we have subordinate clause = main clause
Peter bought a book that he wanted SVO = main clause
Peter bought a book = main clause / it can stand on its own / the other can be dropped
a book that he wanted = object direct
What I like is watching TV. SVCs = matrix clause (just a pattern)
what I like = 1. clause / subject / embedded clause
is = 2. clause / verb
watching TV = 3. clause / subject complement / embedded clause / verb phrase
She came home when I was sleeping. SVA = main clause
she = subject
came = verb
home = adverbial
when I was sleeping = adverbial / subordinate clause / adverbial clause / optional - it can be dropped
MAIN CLAUSE - can stand on its own when the subordinate clause is deleted
MATRIX CLAUSE - always looks like a pattern
- subject complement is expressed by an embedded clause
- embedded clause (S / Oi / Od / Cs / Co)
- those clauses that function as the whole clause element
She said that she was coming.
clause, clause element, Od
- if it is an embedded clause, we can always replace it by 1 word
- embedded clauses function as obligatory clause elements in clause types SVA, SVOA
I put the book where it supposes to be.
when Adverbial is an obligatory element embedded clause
because it must be in the sentence
- subordinate clause (A / part of a clause element)
- those clauses that function as an adverbial or a part of the clause element
The girl, who is sitting next to me, is a good student.
subordinate clause
- subordinate clauses are not obligatory
Peter bought a book.
Peter = subject
bought = verb
a book = object direct
Peter bought a book that he wanted.
Peter = subject
bought = verb
a book that he wanted = object direct expressed by a noun phrase
that he wanted = subordinate clause / just a part of the NP / functions as a post modifier in a NP
Peter bought what he wanted.
Peter = subject
bought = verb
what he wanted = object direct / dependent clause functioning as and object direct / embedded clause
Whoever comes late can’t enter the classroom.
Whoever comes late = subject / embedded clause
can’t enter = verb
the classroom = object direct
I am explaining the grammar that you don’t understand.
I am explaining the grammar = subordinate clause
that you don’t understand = functions as a part of object direct / expressed by 1 NP / a post modifier in a NP
We are talking about what you like.
what you like = embedded clause / functions as an object direct
When I came home nobody was there
when I came home = subordinate clause / adverbial
She said that she was tired.
that she was tired = embedded clause
SVO = matrix clause where an Od is expressed by an embedded clause
I gave her what she wanted
what she wanted = matrix clause / embedded clause
The girl who is here is very nice
who is here = subordinate clause / SVC / main clause
I gave her the book that she wanted.
I gave her the book = main clause
that she wanted = subordinate clause