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SYNTAX - prednáška 7.hod. (Lojová) (7)_syntax_8.4.2008.doc)

SYNTAX PREDNÁŠKA                8.4.2008





(podraďovacie súvetie)


  1. the sentence, that consists of 2 or more clauses that are in a relationship

of subordination and superordination

  1. on main clause = independent clause
  2. hierarchy of clauses plays here an important role





INDEPENDENT CLAUSE (main, matrix, superordined clause)


  1. hlavná veta
  2. the main feature is that if may stand on its own


-        as soon as we have an embedded clause = matrix clause

-        as soon as we have subordinate clause = main clause



        Peter bought a book that he wanted        SVO = main clause


        Peter bought a book = main clause / it can stand on its own / the other can be dropped

        a book that he wanted = object direct



        What I like is watching TV.         SVCs = matrix clause (just a pattern)


        what I like = 1. clause / subject / embedded clause

        is = 2. clause  / verb

        watching TV = 3. clause / subject complement / embedded clause / verb phrase



        She came home when I was sleeping.        SVA = main clause


        she = subject

        came = verb

        home = adverbial

        when I was sleeping = adverbial / subordinate clause / adverbial clause / optional - it can be dropped




MAIN CLAUSE - can stand on its own when the subordinate clause is deleted


MATRIX CLAUSE         - always looks like a pattern

        - subject complement is expressed by an embedded clause















  1. embedded clause (S / Oi / Od / Cs / Co)


- those clauses that function as the whole clause element


        She said that she was coming.



        clause, clause element, Od


- if it is an embedded clause, we can always replace it by 1 word


- embedded clauses function as obligatory clause elements in clause types SVA, SVOA


        I put the book where it supposes to be.



        when Adverbial is an obligatory element embedded clause

        because it must be in the sentence



  1. subordinate clause (A / part of a clause element)


- those clauses that function as an adverbial or a part of the clause element


        The girl, who is sitting next to me, is a good student.



            subordinate clause


- subordinate clauses are not obligatory





Peter bought a book.


Peter = subject

bought = verb

a book = object direct



Peter bought a book that he wanted.


Peter = subject

bought = verb

a book that he wanted = object direct expressed by a noun phrase

that he wanted = subordinate clause / just a part of the NP / functions as a post modifier in a NP



Peter bought what he wanted.


Peter = subject

bought = verb

what he wanted = object direct / dependent clause functioning as and object direct / embedded clause



Whoever comes late can’t enter the classroom.


Whoever comes late = subject / embedded clause

can’t enter = verb

the classroom = object direct


I am explaining the grammar that you don’t understand.

I am explaining the grammar = subordinate clause

that you don’t understand = functions as a part of object direct / expressed by 1 NP / a post modifier in a NP



We are talking about what you like.

what you like = embedded clause / functions as an object direct



When I came home nobody was there

when I came home = subordinate clause / adverbial



She said that she was tired.

that she was tired = embedded clause

SVO = matrix clause where an Od is expressed by an embedded clause



I gave her what she wanted

what she wanted = matrix clause / embedded clause



The girl who is here is very nice

who is here = subordinate clause / SVC / main clause


I gave her the book that she wanted.

I gave her the book = main clause

that she wanted = subordinate clause