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SYNTAX - prednáška 8.hod. (Lojová) (syntax_prednaska15.doc)
according to the structure THEY ARE:
- Finite - with finite verb phrase - identific grammatical categories
I came home when my mother was washing-up. (1st person Singular)
- Non-finite - ing / ed / to inf. / bare inf. --- with S or without S
- ing - Working is difficult / Speaking English is easy
- ed - Supported by her parents she could study
- to - To study English you need to be patient
To work with you is difficult
I´d like to work
I want to sleep (dependent non-finite)
I want him to go home.
I = subject
want = verb
him = subject
him to go home = Od expressed by clause element
- bare inf. - Make him go / Let me go / Have him do that / I saw him walk
I asked him to go home.
I = subject
asked = ditransitive verb
him = object indirect
to go home = without subject
He told me to come.
he = subject
told = ditransitive verb
me = object indirect
to come = object direct
- Verbless - without a verb
- each clause must have a verb, but it can be ellipted
- usually it is a subject
I am sorry Sorry!
I will come if it is possible I will come if possible
She did it as she usually does She did it as usually
If she is black or white I like her anyway Black or white, I like her anyway
When I am without him, I can’t go home Without him, I can’t go home
When she is too tired, she can’t concentrate Too tired, she can’t concentrate
a) Any clause element (S, Oi, Od, Cs, Co, A)
S What I like about her is her smile
Od I want him to go home
Oi I gave him a book / I gave whoever asked me a book clause
Cs She is a student / She is who you are looking for clause
Co I will make you good grammarians / I make you what you definitely want to be clause
A The book is where I put it / The book is where it belong clause
b) Part of a clause element
- post modifier in NP (most frequent)
She is the one (that) I love / Pass me the book (that) I gave you
- prepositional complement
We were talking about what you suggested / I will discuss it with whoever comes
- adjectival complement (adjectives that requires complement)
I’m happy to be here
I’m sad that you don’t know
It is nice to be here
You are likely to come
- apposition
My brother, who is now in England, is eighteen
a) Nominal clause
- that clause
- WH-interrogative clause
- nominal relative clause
- YES/NO interrogative clause (if, whether)
- exclamative clause
- non-finite clause (ing / to inf. / bare inf.)
b) Adverbial
- time
- place
- manner
- condition
- reason
- result
c) Relative (that, who, which, whose)
- defining (restructive) My brother, that one who is in London, is eighteen
- non-defining (nonrestructive) My brother, who is in London, is eighteen
- sentencial
d) Comparative (than, as…as, the same as)
He is stronger than I used to be
He is taller than my brother used to be
She is as clever as I am