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SYNTAX - prednáška 8.hod. (Lojová) (syntax_prednaska15.doc)

SYNTAX PREDNÁŠKA                15.4.2008





according to the structure THEY ARE:


  1. Finite - with finite verb phrase - identific grammatical categories


I came home when my mother was washing-up.  (1st person Singular)



  1. Non-finite - ing / ed / to inf. / bare inf. --- with S or without S


  1. ing  -  Working is difficult  /  Speaking English is easy
  2. ed  -  Supported by her parents she could study
  3. to -  To study English you need to be patient

               To work with you is difficult

               I´d like to work

               I want to sleep (dependent non-finite)


                     I want him to go home.

                     I = subject

                     want = verb

                     him = subject

                      him to go home = Od expressed by clause element


  1. bare inf.  -  Make him go  /  Let me go  /  Have him do that  / I saw him walk



I asked him to go home.

I = subject

asked = ditransitive verb

him = object indirect

to go home = without subject



He told me to come.

he = subject

told = ditransitive verb

me = object indirect

to come = object direct



  1. Verbless         - without a verb

        - each clause must have a verb, but it can be ellipted

        - usually it is a subject


I am sorry  Sorry!

I will come if it is possible    I will come if possible

She did it as she usually does    She did it as usually

If she is black or white I like her anyway    Black or white, I like her anyway

When I am without him, I can’t go home    Without him, I can’t go home

When she is too tired, she can’t concentrate   Too tired, she can’t concentrate  




a) Any clause element   (S, Oi, Od, Cs, Co, A)


S What I like about her is her smile

Od I want him to go home

Oi I gave him a book  /  I gave whoever asked me a book    clause

Cs She is a student  /  She is who you are looking for    clause

Co I will make you good grammarians  /  I make you what you definitely want to be    clause

A The book is where I put it  /  The book is where it belong    clause


b) Part of a clause element


  1. post modifier in NP (most frequent)


She is the one (that) I love  /  Pass me the book (that) I gave you



  1. prepositional complement


We were talking about what you suggested  / I will discuss it with whoever comes



  1. adjectival complement  (adjectives that requires complement)


I’m happy to be here


I’m sad that you don’t know


It is nice to be here


You are likely to come



  1. apposition


My brother, who is now in England, is eighteen















a) Nominal clause  


  1. that clause
  2. WH-interrogative clause
  3. nominal relative clause
  4. YES/NO interrogative clause (if, whether)
  5. exclamative clause
  6. non-finite clause (ing  /  to inf.  /  bare inf.)



b) Adverbial  


  1. time
  2. place
  3. manner
  4. condition
  5. reason
  6. result



c) Relative   (that, who, which, whose)


  1. defining (restructive)   My brother, that one who is in London, is eighteen
  2. non-defining (nonrestructive)   My brother, who is in London, is eighteen
  3. sentencial  



d) Comparative  (than, as…as, the same as)


        He is stronger than I used to be

        He is taller than my brother used to be

        She is as clever as I am