Návrat na detail prednášky / Stiahnuť prednášku / Univerzita Komenského / Pedagogická fakulta / AN - Syntax anglického jazyka I.
SYNTAX Aj - otázky na záverečný test (otazky-syntax_aj.doc)
1 - coordinated subject
2 - compound sentence
3 - focus of negation
4 - types of clauses (tu treba tie typy ako SVO, SVOO a pod., treba tam označiť, či ide o direkt alebo indirect object, treba pozrieť ale aj iné delenia)
5 - proforms and ellipses + examples
6 - types of directive
7 - object and his syntactic function
8 - notional concord + examples
9 - types of linkers
10 - types of inversion
1 - syntactic characteristic of complement
2 - processes of being and the types of linking verbs
3 - types of clause negation + examples
4 - types of concord + examples
5 - differences between declarative and imperative sentences
6 - principles of the English word order
7 - characterize and name coordinators
8 - what syntactic function can subordinate clauses have
9 - what types of relative clauses do you know
10 - how a direct question and a directive may be converted into indirect speech + examples
1 - syntactic characteristic of subject
2 - three examples of local negation
3 - differences between declarative and imperative sentences
4 - complex sentence
5 - types of nominal clauses
6 - structural types of clauses
7 - usage of WILL and WOULD after IF
8 - types of inversion
9 - proforms & ellipses
10 - adverbial clause of time (alebo aj ine)
+ ku všetkému treba EXAMPLES
Ak sú ešte ďalšie varianty testov, tak sú to väčšinou len kombinácie týchto otázok.