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Komparatívna analýza metód vyučovania AJ (komparat_analyza_metod_vyucaj.doc)

Komparatívna analýza metód vyučovania AJ




1. The Grammar Translation Method


- roots of the GTM can be traced back to the 15th century when Latin was dominant – in the 16th and 17th centuries the situation changed (French, Italian and English languages gained in importance) – as a result – Latin took different function – became  a model for FL study – it was no longer used as prominent means of communication

- GTM introduced in 18th and 19th centuries – its proponents – Seidenstücker and Plötz

- GTM – roots in Germany – in the US called “the Prussian Method”



  1. the GOAL of FLL (foreign language learning) is to READ LITERATURE and TO IMPROVE COGNITIVE PROCESSES – it is called “mental exercise”
  2. READING and WRITING are emphasized
  3. VOCABULARY – of great importance – taught by MEMORIZATION and BILINGUAL LISTS OF WORDS
  4. SENTENCE – basic unit of teaching
  5. grammar taught deductively



- in the 19th century – Frenchman Gouin:

SERIES METHOD (pozn. len taka “prechodná” metóda) - Gouin was dissatisfied with GTM, was observing behaviour of young children (when they were learning mother tongue) > proposed that language (rules and vocabulary) should be taught in CONTEXT (1.krát zdôraznil potrebu kontextu) = series of sentences


IPA = International Phonetic Association – 1886 - dissatisfied with GTM – formulated several conclusions:

  1. SPEAKING emphasized
  2. the use of CONVERSATIONAL TEXT (use in context) + emphasized the use of IDIOMS
  3. inductive approach to teaching


- conclusions of IPA – point of departure for

2. The Direct Method


- German scholar – Franke – elaborated psychological principles for teaching


  1. LISTENING and SPEAKING emphasized
  3. VOCABULARY – HERE and NOW (required demonstration)
  4. INDUCTIVE explanation of GRAMMAR (only if necessary)
  5. systematic attention to teaching PRONUNCIATION is EMPHASIZED
  6. NEW language material – INTRODUCED ORALLY



- teachers = native speakers

- requires of teachers a considerable amount of energy in connection with lesson planning


3. Audiolingual Method


- “the army method” (1950s) – there was a need for American soldiers to use Japanese for a very short period of time

- L. Bloomfield – structural linguist, elaborated the theoretical background to this method

1. WORD – basic unit for the teaching of L – words combined into units of higher rank

2. – the theory of learning behind this method – BEHAVIORISM – language is in fact HABIT FORMATION – all MISTAKES are CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY (Students shouldn’t create incorrect habits)

3. it makes use of CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS – i.e. 2 languages are compared in order to predict potential difficulties



- main disadvantage – doesn’t take into account the creative nature of using language as it is not possible for us to learn every produced sentence by heart








B. HUMANISTIC APPROACHES to teaching L (Humanistically oriented methods)


- we call these methods “humanistic”  because they neglect the language itself and pay more attention to the feelings and psychological states of the learners




- Curran:

- teacher is a counsellor, provides help and advice whenever it is necessary and the students are perceived as clients

-   one of his students – elaborated the theory LANGUAGE AS A SOCIAL PROCESS (ACT) – COMMUNICATION is EMPHASIZED and it is described as not a mere transfer of information but it SERVES in order TO PROMOTE SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS

- for the 1st time – he proposed the so-called INTERACTIONAL VIEW OF LANGUAGE


Character of the method: acronym

S – security

A – attention + aggression

R – reflection + retention

D – discrimination


Security = learning can be effective only if the student doesn’t suffer from any fear

Attention = if we want to remember information of any kind, we need to create stabile memory trace ---) repetition (connections are fixed)

Aggression = students feel self-confident enough to use the language and to experiment with it

Retention – if I want to retain information, I need to internalize it

Reflection – there is a need for silent period during which students evaluate their previous knowledge and after this they re-evaluate their future goals

(students are only exposed to language – študentov vtedy učiteľ nemá nútiť hovoriť, ale je možné ich vystaviť jazyku)

Discrimination – students should be able to make use of their knowledge outside the classroom in order to see how it works (theory put to practice)






- people sitting in circle

- 1st sentence uttered in mother tongue – teacher translates it – the 1st student repeats it – another student reacts in mother tongue – teacher translates – he repeats etc.  – all the students` sentences are recorded – po pár vetách sa to pustí - už len po anglicky – študenti opakujú




- Gattegno

- TEACHER SHOULD REMAIN SILENT as much as possible and the students should be responsible for their learning – this can be achieved by means of special language equipment

- teacher USES STICKS of different colour and size – these represent different grammatical categories

- Gattegno was rather sceptical when it comes to the linguistic theory – for him – much more important is to capture the SPIRIT OF LANGUAGE – lies in the PHONOLOGICAL FEATURES (it is important “to have an ear” for the language)



- time – consuming preparation (sticks)

- it deprives students of the opportunity to listen to somebody of higher proficiency level

- exaggerated responsibility placed upon students

















- Lozanov- Bulgarian origin (1980s)

- strives for creating favourable conditions for LL in which learner is in control of his psychological state

- AUTHORITY is essential – students must always male progress under the supervision of somebody (=teacher)

- learning is successful only if the student adopts the role of surrender (podriadeného) or a child – relationship as if a PARENT and a CHILD

- he emphasizes the conditions in which learning takes place – should be pleasant

PROCEDURE – very important:

1. an oral review  - students revise previously learnt material

2. new material is presented through dialogues

3. concert session – the heart of the method – students are exposed to baroque music

concert session – 3 stages:         a) teacher reads out a dialogue (along with the music)

b) the teacher reads the same passage once again and modifies his/her voice according to the necessities of the students

c) students are given homework – before going to bed they should read the dialogue and then when they get up in the morning they should read it once again (the text is in the FL and also in mother tongue – next to the foreign text)


















- Asher

- based on GIVING COMMANDS – the students have to act them out

- acc. to Asher , VERB in its IMPERATIVE form – basic unit of language

- he associates FLL with the mother tongue acquisition (he was watching parents)

- his methodology relies heavily on the knowledge from psycholinguistics – he speaks about BRAIN LATERALISATION – the dominance of 1 particular hemisphere is responsible for our ability to perform certain actions, e.g. – right-handed people have left hemisphere dominant – have good logical thinking (- grasping of grammatical rules)/ left-handed people – artistically oriented, have good pronunciation – right hemisphere


Objections – it is not possible to learn the language only through commands (imperative forms)

- great EMPHASIS put on teaching GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY, but more complicated meanings and notions cannot be explained sufficiently

- the primary aim of teaching is the development of SPEAKING – DRILLS are used but speaking is elicited only after SILENT PERIOD – teacher is director – that’s why Asher recommends DETAILED LESSON PLANS

- interesting for YOUNG LEARNERS AND BEGINNERS (especially children)