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Introduction to literary studies (franko_ils.doc)
Introduction to Literary Studies
Literary figures: figures of speech - tropes
stylistic figures
figures of sound
Figures of speech – tropes: the simile
the metaphor
the personification
the synecdoche
the metonymy
the irony
the sarcasm
the dead metaphor
the allusion
the euphemism
the periphrasis
the pun
the symbol
the allegory
The metaphor: the mixed metaphor
The symbol: symbols in literature
symbols in literary scholarship
symbols in literary history
Stylistic figures: syntactic figures
the syntactic – semantic figures
figures of word – order
elliptical figures
figures of thought
Syntactic figures: the asyndeton
the polysyndeton
The syntactic – semantic figures: the accumulation
Figures of word – order: departures of regular word – order
repetition of words or phrases
Departures from regular word – order: the inversion
the hyperbaton
the dialysis
the hysteron proteron
the anastrophe
the tmesis
Repetition of words or phrases: figures of simple repetition
figures of incremental repetition – parallelism
the modifying repetition
Figures of simple repetition: the epizeuxis
the palilogy (epanastrophe)
Figures of incremental repetition – parallelism: the pleonasm
the tautology
the amplification
the climax
the anticlimax
the bathos
the parenthesis
the hendiadys
The modifying repetition: the refrain
the syntactic ambiguity
Elliptical figures: omission of phones
omission of words or parts of sentence
grammatically incorrect constructions
Omission of phones: the elision
the syncope
the apheresis
the synaeresis
the parogoge
the prosthesis
the apocope
Omission of words or parts of sentence: the ellipsis
the aposiopesis
Grammatically incorrect constructions: the zeugma
the syllepsis
the anacoluthon
Figures of thought: rhetorical figures
figures of evaluation
figures of contradictory meaning
Rhetorical figures: the rhetorical question
the diaeresis
the rhetorical answer
the antithesis
The rhetorical question: the apostrophe
Figures of evaluation: figures of positive attitude
figures of negative attitude
Figures of positive attitude: the hyperbole
Figures of negative attitude: the litotes (meiosis, understatement)
Figures of contradictory meaning: the oxymoron
the paradox
the catachresis
Figures of sound: figures of sound appearing in the beginning
figures of sound appearing at the end
figures of sound appearing alternately
imitative figures of sound
Figures of sound appearing in the beginning: the anaphora
the alliteration
Figures of sound appearing at the end: the epiphora
Figures of sound appearing alternately: the anadiplosis
Imitative figures of sound: the onomatopoeia
Poetry: specifications of poetry
definitions of poetry
approaches to understanding poetry
the kinds of poems
elementary parts of English verse
poetic licences
metrical licences
blank verse
the sonnet
the song
poetic trifles
formula poems
free verse (verse libre)
Definitions of poetry: syncretic concept
differential concept
transferred concept
Differential concept: formal classification
evaluative classification
semantic classification
The kinds of poems: classification by type
classification by subject matter
classification by experience
from experience to attitude
traditional classification
Classification by experience: the sensuous experience
the intellectual experience
Traditional classification: lyric poetry
epic poetry
dramatic poetry
Lyric poetry: the ode
the ballad
the song
the elegy
the epitaph
the epigram
the pastoral poem
the eclogue
the epistle
the idyll
the aubade
the psalm
the romance
the folk song
the story in verse
the nonsense
The song: the hymn
Epic poetry: the fable
the epic
the chronicle
the historical song
the ballade
Rhyme: perfect rhymes
imperfect rhymes
bad rhymes
double and triple rhymes
arrangement of rhymes
Blank verse: licences
epic or heroic blank verse
dramatic blank verse
The song: the sacred song or hymn
the patriotic and war song
the love song
the convivial song
the political song
Formula poems: the ballade
the roundel
the rondeau
the roundel
the sestina
the triolet
the villanelle
Fiction: long fiction
intermediate fiction
minor fiction
between fiction and fact
non – fiction (faction)
Long fiction: the novel
The novel: historical classification
thematic classification
classification according to subject matter
classification according to the technique of comprehension
classification according to function
classification according to the elaboration of theme
classification according to the stream of thought
Historical classification: the picaresque novel
the chivalric novel
the gothic novel
the pastoral novel
Thematic classification: classification according to milieu
Classification according to milieu: the novel of the soil
the family novel
Classification according to subject matter: the fantastic novel
the historical novel
the utopian novel
the science fiction novel
the novel of adventure
the detective novel
the novel of travel
the psychological novel
the biographical novel
the autobiographical novel
the problem novel (thesis novel)
the roman a clef (schluesselroman)
the proletarian novel
Classification according to
the technique of composition: the epistolary novel
the roman fleuve (novel – river, stream- novel)
the stream of consciousness novel (impressionistic novel)
the anti – novel
Classification according to function: the didactic novel (erziehungsroman)
the tendentious novel
the bildungsroman
the philosophical novel
The bildungsroman: the kuenstlerroman
Classification according to the elaboration of theme: the humorous novel
the satirical novel
the experimental novel
the journalistic novel
Classification according to the stream of thought: the sentimental novel
the romantic novel
the realistic novel
the naturalistic novel
the existential novel
Intermediate fiction: the novelette (short novel, long short story, novella)
the short story
the fabliau
the exemplum
the legend
the idyll
the myth
Minor fiction: the fable
the parable
the bestiary
the fairy tale
the anecdote
The fairy tale: the fantastic fairy tale
the animal fairy tale
the legendary fairy tale
the realistic fairy tale
Between fiction and fact: the essay
the book review
the travelogue
the pamphlet
the biography (memoirs)
The essay: the personal essay (literary)
the philosophical essay
the scientific essay
the scholarly essay
the religious essay
Drama: classification according to genre
Classification according to genre: dramatic genres
musical genres
Dramatic genres: the tragedy
the comedy
the drama
the melodrama
the monodrama
the burlesque
the farce
the grotesque
the variety show
the cabaret
the vaudeville
the marionette show
The comedy: the comedy of manners (comedy of characters, comedy of morals)
the satiric comedy
the romantic comedy
the rogue comedy (picaresque)
the comedy of situation (comedy of intrigue)
the masque
The drama: the lyric drama
the realistic drama
the drama of the absurd
Musical genres: the opera
the light opera (operetta)
the musical